Executive summary

Ten years ago it would have been extremely difficult to foresee the exponential growth and sweeping impact that the Internet has had on every aspect of our lives. If we look forward another ten years we have to accept that the Internet will continue to grow and change in ways that we cannot even imagine. However, when we look at the past, at how it has shaped the present, we begin to identify clear patterns that can instruct our understanding of the future, and we can use these patterns to anticipate and prepare. The most vivid of these patterns is the notion that technology is driven by the needs of people. The domain name system is a perfect example of this: people need and want a simple and secure way to interact with the world around them. The Internet makes this possible and the domain name system makes it accessible.

Up to this point, the domain name system has played a crucial role in the growth of the World Wide Web and will continue to facilitate the convergence of telecommunications and the Internet. If we indulge ourselves for a moment and overlay what we have seen over the past ten years onto what we are likely to see in the next ten, there are several scenarios that seem imminent.

a.        Every individual will want an online personal identity that they will use from cradle to grave

b.       Businesses will use authentication and verification in all of their day-to-day transactions

c.        Internet Protocol devices will be prolific and will be referenced and accessed by name rather than by a number

d.       Businesses and individuals will use their on line identity in perpetuity

e.        A plethora of new products and services will be invented to service the specific needs of the on line community

In every one of these scenarios, the DNS is a core element. The DNS as it stands, mapping IP addresses to names, is rudimentary and yet it has served the community well. We can conceive of a time when the DNS will be enhanced and expanded to map many different types of objects to each other. It is this future, potential expansion of the DNS� capabilities and services that is at the heart of the JVTeam approach and proposal.

JVTeam Understands the Issues

The current program to introduce new top level domains into a competitive, multiple registry environment represents a critical and exciting next step for the online community. We arrived at this point through the tireless efforts of many dedicated organizations and individuals who have strived to build a stable and useful domain name system-- one that can meet the needs of individuals and businesses. JVTeam wishes to build on the strengths of these efforts by contributing responsibly and by providing the next generation domain name registry.

Effective and responsible management of a new registry requires an operator who understands the fluid, innovative environment of the Internet and has substantial DNS experience. The registry operator must have proven expertise and eminent credentials in managing a vital public resource and the ability to facilitate discussion about standards development and technical issues between competing parties. In order to cultivate the ongoing development of the domain name system environment, the registry operator must also be capable of and committed to providing a robust and scalable network infrastructure.

While the technical component is critical, successful management of a TLD registry requires much more. The registry must also have the trust of its customers and the larger community. Therefore, the registry operator must have a commitment to the security and privacy of customer information and must be capable of operating as a neutral entity within a highly competitive environment. In addition, the registry operator must have proven, even-handed policy expertise to facilitate mechanisms for the resolution of issues relating to disputes, intellectual property, standards and privacy.��

The critical factors for success: Maintaining Stability and paving the way for the future introduction of new TLDs.

JVTeam understands the critical nature of a stable domain name system. It is essential that the DNS continues to grow as a globally unique, consistent structure to maximize the utility and effectiveness of domain names for the community. A registry operator must have the ability and experience to provide a substantial, trans-continental network infrastructure which can guarantee maximum performance and reliability as well as scale seamlessly to meet volatile variations in demand. But stability encompasses much more. It is also critical that the registry operator�s integrity remains unquestioned in maintaining an environment of open and fair competition, in providing a solution to the initial rush for domain names and in facilitating even-handed, workable policy administration.

The introduction of new TLDs is without precedent and because of the world�s increasing dependence on the DNS, it is imperative that ICANN and the Internet community generally learn as much as possible from this first round. It is just as important for the ongoing development of this program that this first round is successful and in no way undermines the stability of the DNS. In this context, the registry operator must be capable of understanding the implications of all of its choices both in terms of ensuring success and in understanding the instructional benefit of the results. The registry operator must be committed not just to providing registration services, but also to capturing information and sharing it unconditionally for the benefit of the future release of top level domains.��

The JVTeam Solution

JVTeam is a new company formed by NeuStar and Melbourne IT to provide domain name registry services driven by customer focus, technological innovation and proven channel management expertise. The JVTeam registry will deliver the world�s most advanced domain name services in a manner that reflects the character of its parent companies through a resolute commitment to neutrality and integrity.

JVTeam fuses the DNS management expertise, registry operations experience, and technical database management capabilities of its parent companies to provide only the highest quality registry services. The scope of these services goes beyond the current boundaries and incorporates new features and abilities that will benefit end users and will enable the participation and creativity of the online community in further evolving the function and utility of the domain name system.

We have a demonstrated commitment to working cooperatively and positively within the Internet community as a team player focused on responsible management of a vital public resource. We have the technical and registry expertise to develop and deploy a first-of-its-kind solution in a fully open, non-proprietary environment. Our team has designed a technical and operational plan that will satisfy and exceed all of the requirements stipulated in the Request For Proposal (RFP). More importantly we have a team of eminently qualified, skilled and talented individuals who are not only capable of delivering the solution but are passionate about its success.

But JVTeam�s commitment to success is much more than words. Throughout this proposal you will find explicit detail as demonstrating that JVTeam has the resources, the people and the will to ensure the success of the new TLD.

XRP and the Fat Registry Model

JVTeam has an intimate knowledge of the current registry-registrar model and has identified several existing problems and opportunities. JVTeam considered several approaches including modifying the current RRP and maintaining a thin registry. After intensive exploration of these issues our technical, business and policy teams agreed that the solution which would most benefit the Internet community and meet the requirements identified by ICANN would be the adoption of a new registry-registrar protocol, eXtensible Registry Protocol (XRP) and migration to a fat registry. The benefits of this solution cannot be overstated. The proposed XRP will enable enhanced diversity and functionality for any TLD for which the registry provides services, remove the need for each registrar to provide ICANN with escrow capability, provide registrants with access to better, faster and more secure domain name services and significantly reduce the technical barrier to entry for new registrars enabling increased competition.

JVTeam is convinced that from all perspectives, the XRP and the fat registry model will ensure the stability of the Internet, provide higher standards of service and functionality for registrants, enhance the utility of the DNS, maximize the potential for competition andprovide the way forward for the future introduction of new top level domains.


JVTeam expended significant effort in finding the right balance between the cost of our proposed solution and maintaining a competitive price point for the new TLD. We believe that our proposal represents the best and only solution in balancing a considerable investment in infrastructure and development with the commercial viability of the registry.

We believe that there are key elements in the proposed technical solution that cannot and should not be compromised.For JVTeam, the ability to deliver new functionality and superior service to anyone, anywhere and anytime has become an article of faith.

JVTeam was cognizant of the fact that the very significant investment for this venture could only be recovered if it participated as an operator/subcontractor over a number of TLD strings to ensure it had the volume to match its cost structure. It was aware of the precedent that currently exists with Network Solutions operating three TLD strings .com, .net and .org.

Businesses frequently struggle to find a balance between the cost of producing a high quality service and the desire to deliver the lowest possible price to the market. JVTeam has been able to achieve a solution for the next generation domain name registry with enhanced functionality, stability, security and reliability at a price point that is lower than existing TLDs. Compromising the quality of the technical solution was simply not an option as it has become abundantly clear that the future needs of the Internet community can only be served through provision of a new registry platform that incorporates the fat registry model.

Business Capabilities and Plan

JVTeam has developed a registry solution which incorporates realistic business goals, thorough market analysis as well as comprehensive financial and operational planning. The �Business Capabilities and Plan� section of this proposal provides a detailed description of the business decisions we have made and the reasoning behind those decisions.

To ensure global awareness of and participation in the new top level domain, JVTeam is committed to a significant allocation of funds and dedicated personnel for a pre-emptive marketing campaign. Several months prior to the official launch of the new TLD, JVTeam will commission an extensive product awareness exercise including strategic mass media buys and public relations activities.����

The business section of our proposal provides full details of services to be provided by the registry. JVTeam�s suite of registry services will provide the global community with access to the highest standards of support, security and administration at a very competitive price. In addition, these services will be provided in an entirely neutral and even-handed manner. The JVTeam registry will maintain a tight customer focus in all of its operations and will cultivate effective two-way communication between registrars and the registry.

JVTeam recognizes the complexities raised by intellectual property issues and will provide an Intellectual Property Notification Service whereby interested parties are able to monitor registration of domains which may infringe on their intellectual property concerns.

While the JVTeam registry is committed to success, we are also cognizant of the fact that any successful business plan must take into account both current and future risks. In this section the details of our approach to risk management incorporating proven techniques for identifying, analyzing and mitigating risks on an ongoing basis.

Technical Capabilities and Plan

JVTeam can offer comprehensive technical capabilities in the areas of registry operation, software development, database management, and standards development. These abilities are founded on extensive experience in all areas related to technical service provision for a critical public resource. JVTeam is the best choice to design, deliver and maintain the next generation domain name registry.

JVTeam provides details of the our proposal for an eXtensible Registry Protocol (XRP) and a fat registry model. Under this model, the business relationships remain unchanged: registrants will still deal with the registrar, and the registrars with the registry.The value of the proposed change in registry protocol lies in its ability to solve many of the problems currently experienced on a daily basis by both registrants and registrars and to facilitate the expansion of applications and utilities for domain names at all levels.

Our technical solution also includes operation of diverse, redundant, 24x7x365 data centers to ensure highest security and availability. In addition, standard operating practice will involve meeting monthly service level agreements (SLA) with associated penalties for non-performance. Our trans-continental network infrastructure will ensure that exactly the same levels of service and performance can be provided to end users regardless of their geographic location.


JVTeam is prepared through experience and commitment to meet and exceed the requirements and objectives of the RFP and to deliver our proposed solution on time and within budget. In Section IV, �Implementation�, we demonstrate our extensive project management capability and experience. Through our strong project leadership and experienced staff, JVTeam will ensure project success.

The land rush component of this section describes our plans for effectively managing the issues raised by the initial rush for domain names. JVTeam is proposing a solution that ensures the moderated and impartial allocation of names during this period.

As JVTeam was born from a strong heritage of quality assurance, our approach to implementation encompasses the critical components of quality management to ensure the highest level of performance is achieved.


JVTeam is conscious that the first round introduction of new TLDs will provide vital information for the ongoing development of the DNS.JVTeam also is aware that the existing mechanisms and policies implemented by ICANN have, on the whole, been very successful in maintaining the stability of the Internet. As such, the policies and concepts being proposed by JVTeam have been developed with a view to extending and enhancing the existing DNS environment in a measured, even-handed manner.This approach does not preclude innovation but rather it promotes the carefully considered, responsible evolution of the DNS. With this in mind JVTeam�s proposal includes introduction of the Uniform Charter Dispute Resolution Policy (UCDRP). This incorporates some additions to the UDRP to incorporate a charter for intended purpose domain name spaces.

The concepts being evaluated represent substantial, incremental enhancements to the domain name system as well as solutions to several pre-existing issues.The JVTeam proposal is premised on paving the way for the stable growth of the domain name system.


JVTeam shares ICANN�s mission to foster the measured development of the DNS, to maintain its stability and to cultivate competition in the marketplace. Competition is good for everyone.It makes us all stronger, more innovative, and more creative.

JVTeam�s proposal is based on a rich understanding of the needs of the global community. While our solution encompasses technological innovation and comprehensive business planning, it is ultimately about giving people more freedom and choice. We believe that we are building a registry platform which will enable the domain name system to grow and to deliver the services, products and information that are wanted and needed by the global community.

For the domain name system, the next ten years of evolution will be exhilarating, challenging and surprising. The information in this proposal is a demonstration of how JVTeam will contribute positively to that evolution by using all of the resources and knowledge at our disposal to provide the next generation domain name registry.